2023 ECSE P4P Display Day

Displaying of projects.

1: How Can Robots Programming Engage Young Girls in STEM?

Jessica Fenwick, Brooke Knowles

Category: Games & Education Aids 1

Supervisor: Craig Sutherland

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

2: How Can Tangible-based Robotics Environment Help Children Learn Programming?

Ryan Mardiono, Karan Thakur

Category: Robotics

Supervisor: Craig Sutherland

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

3: How Can Board Games Teach Robot Ethics?

Julie Kim, Min Sun Kim

Category: Games & Education Aids 2

Supervisor: Craig Sutherland

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

4: How Can Large Screens Help Programmers Understand Code?

Minghao Lin, Kevin Wu

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 1

Supervisor: Craig Sutherland

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

6: Reinforcement Learning based control of an Autonomous Formula SAE Car

Nick Huang, Bowen Xiang

Category: Robotics

Supervisor: Henry Williams

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Robotics 405.652

7: CDP-Mech Reinforcement Learning Based Control for Robotic Grasping and Manipulation*

Tony Cui, Brendan Zhou

Category: Robotics

Supervisor: Henry Williams

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Robotics 405.652

8: Control, Drive, and Protection of GaN Half-Bridges in Cryogenic Environments

Suzanne Lo, Charley Shi

Category: Green Energy Technologies

Supervisor: Duleepa Thrimawithana

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

9: A Charger for Supercapacitor Based Backup Source Used in Uninterruptable Power Supplies

Puja Laxman, Ashley Van Der Merwe

Category: Control Systems

Supervisor: Matthew Pearce

Co-supervisor: Duleepa Thrimawithana

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

10: Automatic Speech Recognition for the Speech Impaired

Ben Wang, Zihan Zhong

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 1

Supervisor: Reza Shahamiri

Location: HASEL 405.662

11: Design tool for LED optics

Daniel Black, Adam Fu

Category: Green Energy Technologies

Supervisor: Dariusz Kacprzak

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

13: Early detection of plant disease using machine learning approaches

Jason Chen, Violet Liu

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 2

Supervisor: Mahla Nejati

Location: Robotics 405.652

14: Gamifying a Virtual Reality based Vine Pruning training tool

Rick Casey Gonzales, Issei Metoki

Category: Games & Education Aids 1

Supervisor: Henry Williams

Co-supervisor: Craig Sutherland

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

15: Fault tolerant scheduling and computing for CubeSat satellites

Mike Ma, Yinuo Xue

Category: Parallel & Cloud Computing

Supervisor: Oliver Sinnen

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

16: Power-efficient High Performance Computing (HPC) in small satellites

Jia Tee, Matan Yosef

Category: Parallel & Cloud Computing

Supervisor: Oliver Sinnen

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

17: Making GPU accelerators faster, avoid communication

Jack Gong, David Tran

Category: Parallel & Cloud Computing

Supervisor: Oliver Sinnen

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

18: Optimisation of HLS for Image Processing on FPGAs

Callum Iddon, Kian Jazayeri

Category: Parallel & Cloud Computing

Supervisor: Oliver Sinnen

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

19: Investigating and improving efficiency in laser power transfer applications

Tim Cheng, Yalin Yang

Category: Green Energy Technologies

Supervisor: Jackman Lin

Co-supervisor: Grant Covic

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

20: Development of a Power Conditioning System for Green Hydrogen Production

Thea Larsen

Category: Power Electronics & Wireless Power Technologies

Supervisor: Seho Kim

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

21: Thermal Analysis of power electronics in Inductive Power Transfer

Alexander Bailey, Johnny Wong

Category: Power Electronics & Wireless Power Technologies

Supervisor: Grant Covic

Co-supervisor: Seho Kim

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

22: Improved synthetic data for warehouse based machine learning applications

Jo Bull, Henry Gann

Category: AI & Machine learning - 2

Supervisor: Mahla Nejati

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

23: Web application tool for technical interview preparation

Ibrahim Anees, Jaskaran Sandhu

Category: Web tools and Application

Supervisor: Yu-Cheng Tu

Co-supervisor: Andrew Meads

Location: MDLS 405.559

24: Improving Software Architecture Diagram Usage and Uptake

Raymond Feng, Raymond Zhang

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 2

Supervisor: Andrew Meads

Co-supervisor: Ewan Tempero

Location: MDLS 405.559

25: Tukuna te reo ki te ao rorouira: Put language in the digital world

Bovey Yu, Joshua Zhu

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 1

Supervisor: Jesin James

Co-supervisor: Catherine Watson

Location: Control Systems 405.722

26: Let's see some emotions - Emotional speech visualisation and annotation

Sunny Choi, Enuri Kolugala

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 2

Supervisor: Jesin James

Co-supervisor: Felix Marattukalam

Location: Control Systems 405.722

27: Exploring Real-Time Face Recognition on Edge Devices

James Park, Martin Qiang

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 1

Supervisor: Morteza Biglari-Abhari

Co-supervisor: Maryam Hemmati

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

28: Run-Time Security Threat Detection for Embedded Systems Software

Daiyaan Claver, Neil Mishra

Category: Embedded Systems - 2

Supervisor: Morteza Biglari-Abhari

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

29: Investigating Security Vulnerabilities of Network on Chip Interconnections in MPSoC

Asher Butler, Daniel Mar

Category: Embedded Systems - 2

Supervisor: Morteza Biglari-Abhari

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

30: Turbulent Water Modelling for Aquaculture Robotic Vision Systems

Benjamin Salmon, Yun-Shan Tsai

Category: AI & Machine learning - 1

Supervisor: Trevor Gee

Co-supervisor: Henry Williams

Location: Power Systems 405.628

31: Transfer learning for Air Pollution Inference

Aden Ing, Avikash Naidu

Category: AI & Machine learning - 2

Supervisor: Yun Sing Koh

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

32: Turbid Water Enhancement for Aquaculture Robotic Vision Systems

Aidan Folger, Joseph Young

Category: AI & Machine learning - 2

Supervisor: Trevor Gee

Co-supervisor: Henry Williams

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

34: Pacemakers for Gastrointestinal Diseases

Glacer Barnett, Yogesh Dangwal

Category: Embedded Systems - 1

Supervisor: Avinash Malik

Co-supervisor: Partha Roop

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

35: On the use of inductive-transductive machine learning to detect Autism Spectrum Disorder

Wiktor Tumilowicz, Skylar Wells

Category: AI & Machine learning - 1

Supervisor: Reza Shahamiri

Location: HASEL 405.662

36: Identification of power quality using machine learning

Sam Hudson, Liam Kelly

Category: Power Systems

Supervisor: Akshya Swain

Location: Control Systems 405.722

37: Characterisation and Analysis of Reddit Financial Communities

Kevin Wang, Bill Wong

Category: Web tools and Application

Supervisor: Aniket Mahanti

Location: MDLS 405.559

38: Control of an Islanded Microgrid with Photovoltaic and Hybrid Energy Storage System

Chantelle Haywood, Elizabeth Ngan

Category: Power Systems

Supervisor: Abhisek Ukil

Location: Power Systems 405.628

40: Safe autonomy using synchronous AI and the F1/10 racing car

Bill Wen, Ray Xiang

Category: Embedded Systems - 1

Supervisor: Partha Roop

Co-supervisor: Nathan Allen

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

41: Total harmonic distortion analysis of closely coupled wireless power transfer coils

Winnie Wen, Aaron Zhou

Category: Power Electronics & Wireless Power Technologies

Supervisor: Jackman Lin

Co-supervisor: Grant Covic

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

42: Evaluating Identifier Meaningfulness

Kyle Hensel, Destiny Li

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 1

Supervisor: Ewan Tempero

Location: MDLS 405.569

43: Investigating "part-of-speech" based identifier naming guidelines

Joshua Feng, Matthew Lai

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 1

Supervisor: Ewan Tempero

Location: MDLS 405.569

44: Automatic Questions about Learner's Code

Angelo Tangonan, Nicholas Yao

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 2

Supervisor: Ewan Tempero

Location: MDLS 405.559

46: Radio Frequency Wireless Energy Harvesting in an Indoor Environment

Muhammad Afandi, Alexander Wiseman

Category: Power Electronics & Wireless Power Technologies

Supervisor: Aiguo Patrick Hu

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

47: Design of a contactless power supply for driving UV disinfection lamps

Andrea Guan, Laurence Li

Category: Power Electronics & Wireless Power Technologies

Supervisor: Aiguo Patrick Hu

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

48: Smart control of renewable energy sytstems

Mayur Das, Rufaro Manjala

Category: Control Systems

Supervisor: Akshya Swain

Location: Control Systems 405.722

49: Who wrote this code? Human or AI?

Benjamin Goh, Cameron Nathan

Category: AI & Machine learning - 1

Supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Co-supervisor: Valerio Terragni

Location: HASEL 405.662

50: AIs helping humans think reflectively

Juwon Jung, Hayoon Seo

Category: Web tools and Application

Supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Location: MDLS 405.559

51: Understanding how software teams collaborate

Qingyang Li, Harry Qu

Category: Games & Education Aids 1

Supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

52: Detecting learning behaviour in computing education via the analysis of versioned repositories

John Chen, Serena Lau

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 1

Supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Location: MDLS 405.569

53: Small Antennas for Body Area Networks

Thomas Cummings, Aleksandar Matic

Category: Radio Systems

Supervisor: Michael Neve

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

54: Modeling and Validation of Electrical Load Profiling for Energy Efficiency

Danya Barham, Annabell Simpson

Category: Smart Phone & Tablet Applications

Supervisor: Abhisek Ukil

Co-supervisor: Reza Shahamiri

Location: Power Systems 405.628

55: Broadbeam Antennas for Millimetre Wave Communications

Kees Albers-Connolly, Kaichao Liang

Category: Radio Systems

Supervisor: Michael Neve

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

56: Speech Analysis: Modelling vs machine learning

Euan Pike, Samarth Sangwar

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 1

Supervisor: Catherine Watson

Location: Control Systems 405.722

57: CDP–Mechanical - Project Title: Real-time acoustic environment simulation to improve vocalist performance

Nishan Shrestha

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 1

Supervisor: Catherine Watson

Location: Control Systems 405.722

58: The reconstruction of speech/voice with the use of noise cancelling algorithms and machine learning.

Timothy Aguana Cabrera, Edward Chan

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 2

Supervisor: Catherine Watson

Location: Control Systems 405.722

59: Tunable white lighting controller simulating natural light

William Chen, Brandon Koh

Category: Green Energy Technologies

Supervisor: Dariusz Kacprzak

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

60: Building individual’s self-confidence not to be phished: a gamified approach

Matthew Jakeman, Jordan York

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 1

Supervisor: Nalin Arachchilage

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

61: Plant monitoring system to estimate harvesting timing

Eric Heo, Daniel Yang

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 2

Supervisor: Ho Seok Ahn

Co-supervisor: JongYoon Lim

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

62: Plant monitoring system with 3D reconstruction

Max Nankivell, Eva Sorensen

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 1

Supervisor: Ho Seok Ahn

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Robotics 405.652

63: Sign-language understanding using Reinforcement learning and DNN

Shameer Prasad, Caleb Simmons

Category: Robotics

Supervisor: Ho Seok Ahn

Co-supervisor: JongYoon Lim

Location: Robotics 405.652

64: Talking face generation system using DNN

Yu-gyeong Hong, Gayeon Kim

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 2

Supervisor: Ho Seok Ahn

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Robotics 405.652

65: Guide and logistics robot system: taking elevator with interaction

Finn Tracey, Cale Ying

Category: Robotics

Supervisor: Ho Seok Ahn

Co-supervisor: JongYoon Lim

Location: Robotics 405.652

67: Stress Monitoring and Quantification through Digital Biomarkers

Craig Lim, Alfred Pama

Category: AI & Machine learning - 2

Supervisor: Partha Roop

Co-supervisor: Nathan Allen

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

68: An emulation platform of Google bitide for compositional neural network execution

Jared Bawden, Ganeev Sethi

Category: Embedded Systems - 1

Supervisor: Partha Roop

Co-supervisor: Nathan Allen

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

73: Deep Learning Transformers for ECGs

Francis Cho, Xuhan Liu

Category: Embedded Systems - 2

Supervisor: Nathan Allen

Co-supervisor: Partha Roop

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

74: Auto-complete for Music

Shou Miyamoto, Rachel Nataatmadja

Category: Embedded Systems - 1

Supervisor: Nathan Allen

Co-supervisor: Partha Roop

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

75: Investigating inclusion of software engineering tools and practices

Ananya Ahluwalia, Samantha Mebius

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 1

Supervisor: Kelly Blincoe

Location: HASEL 405.662

76: A dating platform for interpersonal relationship research

Lang Cheng, Hanyong Zhang

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 2

Supervisor: Joerg Wicker

Location: MDLS 405.559

77: mmWave based human activity recognition

Beck Busch, Sam Mason

Category: Intelligent Systems & Industrial Informatics

Supervisor: Kevin I-Kai Wang

Co-supervisor: Akshat Bisht

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

78: Digital twin for intelligent environment

Owen Eng, Wa Ben Wong

Category: Intelligent Systems & Industrial Informatics

Supervisor: Kevin I-Kai Wang

Co-supervisor: Akshat Bisht

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

79: How Can Developers Collaboratively Work on Program Code?

Amy Rimmer, Yuewen Zheng

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 1

Supervisor: Craig Sutherland

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

80: AR/VR Perceptual Training

David Huckle, Blair Mclean

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 2

Supervisor: Burkhard Wuensche

Location: MDLS 405.569

81: Mobile based smart indoor tracking for elderly care

Julian Chan, Ethan Yip

Category: Smart Phone & Tablet Applications

Supervisor: Jing Sun

Co-supervisor: Miao Qiao

Location: MDLS 405.569

82: Tangible AR for Data Structure Teaching

Danika Chhour, Wynn Mo

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 2

Supervisor: Burkhard Wuensche

Co-supervisor: Paul Denny

Location: MDLS 405.569

84: Procedurally Generated Spatial Skills Testing

Tim Li, Owen Xu

Category: Web tools and Application

Supervisor: Burkhard Wuensche

Co-supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Location: MDLS 405.559

85: 3D Force Sensing

Lexin Lin, Yiqi Zang

Category: Control Systems

Supervisor: Nitish Patel

Location: Control Systems 405.722

86: Wave Emulation using a Gough-Stewart Platform

Samuel Hu

Category: Control Systems

Supervisor: Nitish Patel

Location: Control Systems 405.722

87: Game-based Spatial Skills Training

Andy Fong, Patrick Oliver

Category: Games & Education Aids 1

Supervisor: Burkhard Wuensche

Location: MDLS 405.559

88: A Companion Application for Senior Citizen Care

Kiran Chung, Yvonne Wang

Category: Smart Phone & Tablet Applications

Supervisor: Jing Sun

Co-supervisor: Miao Qiao

Location: MDLS 405.569

89: Construction Training in a virtual environment for Health and Safety

Katherine Chong, Michael Truong

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 2

Supervisor: Robert Amor

Location: MDLS 405.569

90: Anomaly detection for IoT-based time series

Aarni Kupari, Jin Young Oh

Category: Embedded Systems - 1

Supervisor: Kevin I-Kai Wang

Co-supervisor: Akshat Bisht

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

91: Investigating the Integration of Pepper Robot and ChatGPT: A Study on Enhancing User Experience and Engagement

Xiaohui Chen, Katherine Luo

Category: Robotics

Supervisor: Mahla Nejati

Co-supervisor: Trevor Gee

Location: Robotics 405.652

92: RythmWalker – A Mobile AR Rhythm Game for Promoting Physical Activity

Drason Guo, Dean Shu

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 2

Supervisor: Burkhard Wuensche

Location: MDLS 405.569

93: Analysis of news sources to provide localized disaster information

Ishaan Bhide, Matthew Ouyang

Category: Smart Phone & Tablet Applications

Supervisor: Andrew Meads

Co-supervisor: Yu-Cheng Tu

Location: MDLS 405.569

94: Multitasking Intervention Experiment

Emily Liu, Jessica Lorelei Villegas

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 2

Supervisor: Danielle Lottridge

Location: MDLS 405.569

95: Virtual reality installation to study embodiment

Howard Jiang, Meixuan Li

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 1

Supervisor: Danielle Lottridge

Co-supervisor: Roy Davies

Location: Power Systems 405.628

96: Automating the development of worked examples using large language models.

Breanna Jury, Angela Lorusso

Category: Games & Education Aids 2

Supervisor: Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Co-supervisor: Paul Denny

Location: Control Systems 405.722

97: An AI Supported Integrated Development Environment

Harrison Bland, Charlie Kake-White

Category: Web tools and Application

Supervisor: Paul Denny

Co-supervisor: Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Location: MDLS 405.559

98: Efficiently developing question banks for student learning using large language models

Ben Lowthian, Ojas Madaan

Category: Games & Education Aids 2

Supervisor: Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Co-supervisor: Paul Denny

Location: Control Systems 405.722

99: Designing an Interactive Computing Education Tool for Teaching Machine Learning

Ahmad Barzak, Caleb Brunton

Category: AI & Machine learning - 1

Supervisor: Valerio Terragni

Co-supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Location: HASEL 405.662

100: VR and psychophysiological monitoring to develop resilience

Alex Liang, Jared Daniel Recomendable

Category: Games & Education Aids 1

Supervisor: Robert Amor

Location: MDLS 405.559

101: Automated Generation of Trustworthiness Oracles for Machine Learning Models

Steven Cho, Seaton Cousins-Baxter

Category: AI & Machine learning - 2

Supervisor: Valerio Terragni

Location: HASEL 405.662

102: Automated and Efficient Evaluation of Student Artefacts using Large Language Models

Nigel Lai, Alan Zhang

Category: Games & Education Aids 1

Supervisor: Paul Denny

Co-supervisor: Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Location: MDLS 405.559

103: Predicting Software Testability

Ciaochen Sun, Ellen Zhang

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 1

Supervisor: Valerio Terragni

Location: HASEL 405.662

104: Support for Automated Evaluation of Programming Style

Anton Lui, Gavin Mackintosh

Category: Games & Education Aids 2

Supervisor: Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Co-supervisor: Paul Denny

Location: Control Systems 405.722

105: Analysis of ripple effects of transitive dependencies in software projects

Saakshi Hegde, May Sribunwongsa

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 2

Supervisor: Kelly Blincoe

Co-supervisor: Valerio Terragni

Location: HASEL 405.662

106: The university’s digital twin for sustainability

Michael McCormack, Jiazhi Zhou

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 1

Supervisor: Robert Amor

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

107: Development Of Novice User Technologies: An AI-Assisted Tool for Learning Code Comprehension and Debugging

Ou-An Chuang, Zimo Zou

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 1

Supervisor: Paul Denny

Co-supervisor: Andrew Luxton-Reilly

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

108: Links between personality and perceptions of success in software

Yik Chong, Rachel Jeung-McIntyre

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 2

Supervisor: Kelly Blincoe

Location: HASEL 405.662

110: AI approach to a question/answering system for a construction project

Dean Phommahaxay, Michael Theron

Category: AI & Machine learning - 1

Supervisor: Robert Amor

Location: Power Systems 405.628

111: Low-cost Semi-Convex Volume Estimation

Hope Adams, Jimmy Wong

Category: Intelligent Systems & Industrial Informatics

Supervisor: Mark Andrews

Co-supervisor: William Lee

Location: Control Systems 405.722

112: 2D Object Representation via Complex Polygonal Basis Functions

Kili Miyamoto, Anthony White

Category: Image & Voice Processing - 2

Supervisor: Mark Andrews

Co-supervisor: Jesin James

Location: Control Systems 405.722

113: Improving human interpretability of modern chess engines

Bryan Liu, Nilay Setiya

Category: Web tools and Application

Supervisor: James Tizard

Location: HASEL 405.662

114: Improved Sensors to Monitor Knee Strain

Isaac Sheppard, Kallum Spader

Category: Control Systems

Supervisor: Nitish Patel

Co-supervisor: Zoran Salcic

Location: Control Systems 405.722

115: Development of Unbreakable Cryptosystem using Dynamic Function Exchange

Anthony Mulder, Akash Pai

Category: Embedded Systems - 2

Supervisor: Maryam Hemmati

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

116: Accelerating Capsule Networks on Adaptive Platforms

Matthew Liu, Frank Shen

Category: AI & Machine learning - 2

Supervisor: Maryam Hemmati

Co-supervisor: Morteza Biglari-Abhari

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

117: Energy vs. Accuracy: Investigation of Energy Efficient Solutions for Machine Learning (ML)

Isaac Chandler, Jordan Green

Category: Embedded Systems - 2

Supervisor: Maryam Hemmati

Location: Embedded Systems 405.760

119: Peer-to-Peer Transactive Energy Platform For Participating in NZ Electricity Reserve Market

Zhenyang Wang, Bing Yan

Category: Power Systems

Supervisor: Nirmal Nair

Location: Power Systems 405.628

120: Power system resilience assessment framework for high weather hazard scenarios

Sam Robinson, Hemanth Sonthi

Category: Power Systems

Supervisor: Nirmal Nair

Location: Power Systems 405.628

121: Tracking Seabirds Using Radar

Demian Pillay, Martin Wu

Category: Radio Systems

Supervisor: Andrew Austin

Co-supervisor: Kevin Sowerby

Location: Radio Systems 405.736

122: Ambient Environmental Energy Harvesting for Supercapacitor Driven Battery-less IoT Devices

Hugo Hu, Anna Qin

Category: Green Energy Technologies

Supervisor: Dulsha Kularatna-Abeywardana

Co-supervisor: Nitish Patel

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

123: STEM: Computing and Electronics Education for High School Classrooms

Tianhua He, Ruskin Swedlund

Category: Games & Education Aids 2

Supervisor: Dulsha Kularatna-Abeywardana

Location: Green Electronics 405.712

124: Evaluation of new materials in wireless charging pads for high power operation

Cynthia Cao, Linge Wang

Category: Power Electronics & Wireless Power Technologies

Supervisor: Grant Covic

Co-supervisor: Jackman Lin

Location: Power Electronics 405.614

125: Making Smart-contract development environments more developer friendly

Frank Ji, Xiaoxiao Zhuang

Category: Software Development Tools and Processes 2

Supervisor: Giovanni Russello

Co-supervisor: Nalin Arachchilage

Location: MDLS 405.559

126: Studying the effects of shared haptic senses on mixed reality finger drumming training

Victor Gan, Yuewei Zhang

Category: Human Computer Interactions - 1

Supervisor: Burkhard Wuensche

Co-supervisor: Mark Billinghurst

Location: Power Systems 405.628

127: Computing Education for Machine Learning

Eaton Ma, Aashish Singh

Category: AI & Machine learning - 1

Supervisor: Valerio Terragni

Location: HASEL 405.662

128: Applying machine learning to education

Alex Kim

Category: Games & Education Aids 2

Supervisor: Nasser Giacaman

Location: Control Systems 405.722